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Medium Risk
Also Known As:
Solanum Carolinense, Bull Nettle, Horse Nettle, Apple of Sodom, Radical Weed



  • Oval-shaped leaves alternate on stems
  • Leaves and stems covered with fine hairs
  • 5-petal flowers usually white or purple with yellow centers
  • Seed-filled, dark-green berries with light green stripes turn yellow and wrinkle as they mature

Outdoor plant, weed

Toxicity: (1-2)
Note: Toxicity scale ranges from minor harm to most poisonous (1-4)

  • Exposure to juice or sap from these plants or a puncture wound from the thorns may produce a skin rash or irritation.
  • Ingestion may cause minor symptoms such as rash, vomiting or diarrhea.

Toxic Parts:
All parts

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Additional Information


The list of poisonous plants on this Web site does not necessarily include every poisonous plant that is known or that might be found in a home or yard. The University of Kansas Hospital does not advise eating any of the plants on this web site. We discourage the use of any of these plants for self medication. The information on this site is taken from the literature, and the degree of reliability is unknown. In case of accidental exposure or ingestion, contact the Poison Center 1-800-222-1222.