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Household Products & Personal Care

Have you ever thought about potential poisons that could be in your home? Everyday items such as common household cleaning products and personal care items can cause problems if used in the wrong way or in the wrong amount.

Call the 24-Hour Poison Help Line for Additional Support:


Poison Prevention Tips

  • Check the labels to make sure you have the right product.
  • Read and follow all directions and safety warnings.
  • Wear protective gear when recommended. Many household or cleaning products can burn the skin, eyes and throat.
  • Do not mix cleaning products, and be careful about cleaning with different products back-to-back. Mixing products may produce toxic gasses.
  • Keep cleaners, household chemicals and other personal care products in their original containers. Do not reuse empty household containers.
  • Store all household products up, away from and out of sight of children. To avoid a mix up, store these away from food and beverages.


If someone accidentally ingests household cleaners or personal care products:

  • Do not induce vomiting.
  • Do not give syrup of ipecac or anything by mouth.
  • Call the Poison Help line immediately at 1-800-222-1222.

Household Cleaners - "Power in Your Hands"

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